Module synopsis
Nothing of lasting greatness has been achieved in the absence of great leadership. An organization that seeks to transform and achieve great things crucially needs a leadership culture that inspires great leadership at all levels of the organization.
Business leaders need to evaluate and evolve their leadership style against the 10 hallmarks of great leadership in the new digital age. They need to know how to properly inspire and mentor their successors. And they need to know how to build and hone professional reputation, authority, and influence which are immensely valuable not only for themselves, but also for the organization that they lead.
module content
- 10 Traits of Great Leaders
- Evolving Leadership In Practice
- Powerful Mentoring Practices for Growing Great Leaders
- Building Professional Reputation, Authority, and Influence
- Improved leadership traits, skills, and reputation amongst top leaders.
- Development of an inspiring leadership culture primed for the new digital age.
- Development of a deep bench of inspiring, well-groomed young leaders.