Penyabong Island Hopping & Snorkelling!

Day Trip Itinerary

10.00 AM - 11.00 AM

Arrive at Resort. Welcome Briefing. Morning Break.

Ice Breaker Games & Team Formation

11:00 AM – 4:30 PM

Island Hopping and Snorkelling at 3 different islands with multiple boat stop for views.

Packed lunch.

4:30 PM – 5:00 PM

BBQ High-Tea. Back to the resort.

5:00 PM onwards

Closing Remarks. Group Photo. Departure from Resort.

Penyabong Island Hopping & Snorkelling prices

20 - 39 pax

RM 390

Per Pax Including SST

Meeting Hall

Lunch + 2 Breaks

Facilitator's Services

Game's Facilities

40 - 59 pax

rm 360

Per Pax Including SST

Meeting Hall

Lunch + 2 Breaks

Facilitator's Services

Game's Facilities

60 + pax

RM 340

Per Pax Including SST

Meeting Hall

Lunch + 2 Breaks

Facilitator's Services

Game's Facilities

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