Virtual Team-Building are exciting experiences, designed to hone higher-order thinking skills, build agility, and take your collaboration and communication to the next level!

hobbit's hunt!
Quest through Middlle Earth, in pursuit of the Rings of Power. With your Pure Heart, True Deeds and Right Word, our fate is in your hands!
In a secret place in Middle Earth, Rings of Power rest in ancient Deciphers.
The Deciphers will only release their precious treasures, to creatures of Pure Heart, True Deeds and Right Word.
With your band of Pure Hearted Hobbits, find your way from The Shire through the kingdoms of Middle Earth, to earn magical tokens from your True Deeds.
You will encounter tricky Gollum, and Smaug the fearsome Dragon.
You will need to solve the Dwarves’ Stumpers, read Hobbit Runes, and please the Ents with an offering.
You will find yourself lost without a light in Bilbo’s Bag End.
Take courage. Throughout your noble quest, Gandalf the Grey will guide you and cheer you on.
May you speak the Right Word to the Deciphers, and may your True Deeds please them. For destroying the Rings of Power, secures the future of all the creatures of Middle Earth!

hostage rescue!
Defeat cyber terrorists Annoynymous at their own twisted game. Save your organization, and rescue the world from their ideology!
The cyber-terrorists Annoynymous have taken control of all
your organization’s systems and data!
To save your organization, you need to prove to them
that you have not been shaped into mindless
slaves of the institution, but are actually being
developed into creative, great thinkers,
capable of leading humanity into the future!
To earn the Code to save your systems,
Annoynymous demands you overcome 6 challenges! Each will force you to demonstrate 1 form of higher-order thinking:
Out-of-Box Thinking
Can you and your team rise to the challenge? Or will you just confirm Annoynymous’ twisted ideology, and push them to become ever more violent cyber terrorists?!

revengers explorace!
The Avengers are depleted, and new heros must arise to protect Earth. Will your squad pass the trials, to be recruited for the Revengers?
The Revenger Trials are 7 challenges which will test the full range of abilities for your squad.
Work together to overcome and impress the recruiters at Battle Scene 101, Rapid Resourcing, Memory Upgrade, Costumery, Enigma, Witchery, and Esprit de Corps.
Will your squad be recruited, or will you be sent home?
Good luck team. And may you be the new avenging heroes that Earth badly needs.

world war games!
A strategic combat game, filled with World War characters and intrigue. Build your advantage, step-by-step, to dominate the Final Battle!
In the Art of War, Sun Tzu states that “Every battle is won before it is fought.”
Certainly, the 3 initial stages of this game are all important!
Prepare for war by resourcing up with weapons and ammunition. Infiltrate the enemy and make sure that your Spy Team is top notch. Capture suspects and interrogate them to find out where and when an important event will take place.
Then, when war actually breaks out, use all the advantages and intel that you’ve gained, to dominate and destroy your opponents!

Discover 6 legendary warriors of Malaysia! Experience a part of their story through games, and learn why they are legend!
Legendary Warriors is the easiest of our
blockbuster games. It suits children, or
teams looking for relaxed fun more than
Learn cool Malaysian history through the
stories of the legends, and Malaysian culture through the games.